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Monetización en la industria de comercialización de energía, agua y gas: Facturando con valor
La monetización se refiere a la conversión de un servicio en ingresos de forma eficiente, es decir, cómo una empresa puede obtener beneficios económicos a partir de la entrega de un servicio. Se...
Monetization in the Energy, Water, and Gas Industry: Billing with Value
Monetization refers to the conversion of a service into revenue in an efficient way. In other words, it's how a company can obtain economic benefits from delivering a service. It can be inferred...
If You’re Not Automating Your Software Transformation Project, You’re Wasting Money
Imagine two companies. Let’s call them Company Y and Company Z. They’re both XaaS startups that sell a similar product using a subscription model. After three years in business, they’ve tripled in...
Yes, You Should Be Switching to a Cloud Billing System – Here’s Why
Let’s say you own a high-end furniture startup. You started in a co-working space with a workshop, but not you’re ready for your own facility. You find a space that’s mostly perfect but needs a...
Congero Technology Group Announces New Subsidiary in Sweden
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONGERO TECHNOLOGY AB ANNOUNCES NEW HEADQUARTER IN SOLNA, SWEDEN Reston, VA (July 15, 2022) – Congero Technology Group announced it had expanded business to Sweden with a new...
From Southern India to Atlanta, USA – the Story of Mukesh Varikallu
Originally from Southern India, Mukesh Varikallu made his journey across the world to the United States to pursue his career in the tech industry. He is a Senior Principal Consultant at Congero...
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